$255 SAP Evaluation(s) – (RTD) Return-to-duty process - 800 683 7745

If you are struggling with substance abuse, SAP Evaluation there is help available. The first step is to find a substance abuse professional, such as a substance abuse counselor, to help you overcome your addiction. These professionals will help you identify the root cause of your addiction and help you develop a long-term recovery plan. They will also help you manage your addiction, which may include giving you addiction treatment.

At the point when a driver with a checked DOT (Return to duty process) program encroachment is confined from performing prosperity delicate capacities, the business outfits the driver with a once-over of DOT-qualified SAPs. The driver picks their SAP from this summary or considers their assessment. An SAP request ought to be delivered to the SAP evaluator to complete stage one.


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