$255 - SAP Evaluation near me 30067 | +1(800) 683-7745

As a substance abuse professional (SAP Evaluation), you will provide counseling for truck drivers who have tested positive for controlled substances or alcohol.  You will be responsible for conducting a face-to-face evaluation with the driver and developing a treatment plan for him/her.

The treatment plan must be designed to bring the driver into compliance with the rules and regulations of the Department of Transportation (DOT) and the company's policy.  The goal of this counseling is to help the driver address the issues that led to the use of controlled substances or alcohol and to return to a productive and safe lifestyle.

Substance abuse (SAP Evaluation near me) and driving is a major problems in the trucking industry.  Many truck drivers are not getting the help they need to deal with addiction.  There are many reasons for this, but the most common is that they are afraid of losing their job.  Some trucking companies have policies in place that make it difficult for drivers to get help, and many drivers feel that they will be discriminated against if they seek help.


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